To the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella
To the President of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa
To the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana
To the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni
To the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani
To the Parliamentary Group Leaders of the Chamber and Senate
Most Honorable President of the Republic,
Honorable Presidents of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies,
Honorable President of the Council of Ministers,
Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Honorable Representatives of the Parliamentary Groups of the Chamber and Senate,
As you are aware, five years ago, a permanent conference was convened at the United Nations to establish the Middle East as a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction (Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction).
At the time of voting for its establishment in 2018, Italy and other European countries abstained.
In anticipation of the fifth session of this Conference, which will be held in New York from November 18 to 22, 2024, we respectfully submit the following requests:
That Italy’s position regarding this Conference shift from abstention to active support;
That Italy advocate within the Conference for the adoption of a binding treaty to create a Middle East free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction;
That Italy use its influence within the European Union to encourage other European countries and the Union itself to endorse and actively support the realization of such a treaty.
What compels us to make this request is simple and urgent: we are horrified, dismayed, and deeply troubled by the current state of the world, by wars increasingly surrounding us, and by the looming threat of a final, all-encompassing conflict that would devastate humanity.
We are left speechless—we have exhausted all words—to describe the pain and the powerlessness in the face of the countless civilian deaths, the mothers deprived of children, the children left without mothers, and entire populations losing their future generations, foremost among them the Palestinian people.
While fully aware of the difficulties of this historical moment, in which the language of democracy seems stripped of its promises and hopes, we refuse to remain silent. Nor do we wish to speak without meaning, without making every effort to halt this escalation.
Si vis pacem, para pacem. If you want peace, prepare for peace, not for war. And preparing for peace means above all pursuing disarmament, working to ensure that weapons are no longer a means of resolving disputes.
Consistent with this view, we firmly believe that at least the ongoing escalation in the Middle East, this long-troubled region, can be defused by starting with the creation of a nuclear-free and weapons of mass distruction-free zone in the Middle East. Thus, we ask you for a concrete action, a small but crucial step toward disarmament and de-escalation.
Primi firmatari
Associazione Abbasso la Guerra OdV
Associazione Amicizia Italo – Palestinese
Associazione Incontriamoci sull’Arno
Associazione Medici per l’Ambiente – ISDE Italia
Associazione Nazionale Partigiani d’Italia – ANPI Sez. Bagno a Ripoli – Firenze
Associazione PeaceLink
AssoPace Palestina
Centro di Ricerca ed Elaborazione per la Democrazia – CRED
Centro per la Riforma dello Stato – Sezione Toscana
Centro Studi Politico Sociale – Archivio Storico Il Sessantotto
CittàVisibili APS
Comunità delle Piagge
Costituente Terra
FLC CGIL Università degli Studi di Firenze
Fondazione don Tonino Bello
International Union of Scientists against Militarism and the Destructive Use of Science and Technology – IUS
Istituto Ernesto de Martino
Laboratorio politico per Unaltracittà
Lavoro & Salute
Medicina Democratica ETS
Pax Christi – Punto pace Cogoleto – Helder Camara
Pressenza – Agenzia di Stampa Internazionale
Sinistra Progetto Comune
Sovranità Popolare
Statunitensi contro la Guerra – Firenze
Un Ponte Per
Alessandro Marescotti
Alessandro Santoro
Alfio Nicotra
Alidina Marchettini
Anna Meli
Antonella Litta
Bilal Murar
Carlo Volpi
Dmitrij Palagi
Domenico Gallo
Elio Antonio Pagani
Emanuela Bavazzano
Ennio Cabiddu
Fabio Marcelli
Filippo Bianchetti
Flavio Del Santo
Francesco Romizi
Franco Cilenti
Fulvio D’Eri
Giacomo Graziani
Giancarlo Piccinni
Gianna Maestrelli
Gianni Toma
Gian Paolo Pazzi
Gino Carpentiero
Giorgio Ferrari
Grazia Gerbi
John Gilbert
Luigi Remaschi
Luisa Simonutti
Marco Caldiroli
Marco Montemagni
Marco Paganini
Maria Amelia D’Agostino
Maria Grazia Campari
Maria Grazia Galimberti
Mariangela Pirami
Maria Staderini
Massimo Niccolai
Maurizio Torti
Moreno Biagioni
Olivier Turquet
Paolo Mazzinghi
Piera Paola Rocchetti
Rita Fantungheri
Roberto Budini Gattai
Rosanna Manetta
Rosella Franconi
Silvana Li
Stefano Arrighetti
Stefano Ruffo
Tiziano Cardosi
Tommaso Chiti
Commenta per primo